
Institute UTBM

University of Technology UTBM (Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard) is involved in MobyPost through the participation of SET laboratory (Systems and Transport) in collaboration with IFSTTAR (French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks) as a third part of UTBM, in the framework of FCLAB Institute. FCLAB is the French national research lab dedicated to the integration of fuel cell systems into transport vehicles. Located in Belfort, on a unique experimental facility capable of operating full scale fuel cells and systems in emulated vehicle-like conditions, it has gained a 10-year experience in the field. The operating conditions mix functional mission profiles and environmental parameters like atmospheric conditions, vibrations or gas quality. Based on these capabilities and skills, FCLAB conducts research activities aimed at understanding the effect of real-life operating conditions on the durability of fuel cell systems (i.e. durability and diagnostic of the stack, reliability models, interaction with critical ancillaries, command and control, hybridization with storage devices and energy management).

Contribution to MobyPost:

UTBM actively contributes to MobyPost project in collaboration with IFSTTAR and concerns the powertrain design, sizing and final integration into the vehicle prototype. In this area, UTBM leads Work Package 2 dedicated to modelling and simulation of the powertrain of MobyPost's vehicle, taking into account the real drive cycles measured on the sites where the future vehicle will operate, in normal conditions on the one hand (in healthy operating mode), and in the case of one or several defective elements of its powertrain on the other hand (degraded operating mode). UTBM and IFSTTAR also support the integration of powertrain into the vehicle after the sizing tasks through modelling and experimentation of all components (fuel cell, batteries, motors, power converters, energy management and monitoring systems).
Secondly, UTBM brings its expertise in the ergonomic design of MobyPost's vehicle by using the developed knowledge, methods and tools to increase performance and reliability of human vehicle interactions, and to ensure safety, comfort and health.


Project Coordinator and contact person for Infrastructure:
Michel Romand
E-mail: michel.romand@utbm.fr
Telephone: +33 (0)384 58 36 20

Contact person for Vehicle:
Dr. Abdesslem Djerdir
E-mail: abdesslem.djerdir@utbm.fr
Telephone: +33 (0)384 58 36 12

Web: www.utbm.fr | set.utbm.fr | www.fdab.fr