

Company MES SA, founded in 1976, belongs to CEBI International Group formed by 12 companies worldwide.
MES SA is located in Stabio, Canton Ticino, in Southern Switzerland. The company develops, designs, manufactures and commercializes components for Automotive, Household appliances and Ventilation industries.
As one of the world leaders in research, development and manufacturing of electric components for electric and hybrid vehicles, MES has been constantly committed to serving its customers worldwide. Since the beginning of 2010, due to the acquisition of MES-DEA's PEM FC Technology (born in 2002), MES SA has developed, manufactured and commercialized PEM air cooled fuel cell systems with power range between 250W and 3kW.
The main features of MES FC Technology are: high power density and specific power, high net efficiency (since no compressor and external humidifier are used), high simplicity and low operation temperature. Thanks to the initial collaboration with Aprilia in the development of FC scooter and bike, and subsequently with PSA, MES FC technology is now very suitable to light electric vehicles propulsion and APU or range extender in special hybrid vehicles. Portable application is also being developed successfully using the FC power supply for emergency generator, APU in general, battery charger and UPS.
A very great effort has been made in light, resistant and low cost material since the beginning of the FC activity, thus obtaining a cost effective product. Furthermore, in order to increase the performance and reliability of its FC technology, a continuous development of the FC control functions has been done, and many new specific tests are being carried out.
MES is currently involved in two important Swiss research projects. In the first one, it collaborates with Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) to study the MEA (Membrane Electrode Assembly) aging phenomena. The second one is a cooperation with SUPSI (Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana) which is aimed at improving the performance of the bipolar plate compound and the relative production process.

Contribution to MobyPost:

In MobyPost project, MES mainly acts as a developer, manufacturer and supplier of an innovative hybrid fuel cell/battery power supply which has to feed the electric motor of the post delivery vehicles developed in the project.
This task is realised from the very beginning of the project, where the definition of vehicle requirements has to be set in detail. All technical details of MES FC technology will be explained and discussed to support the modelling and simulation of the vehicle powertrain.
In the next phase, MES will focus its best effort on the further optimisation of the FC stacks, both at single cell and at system level, including also the possibility to implement new control strategies, or at least to improve them, in order to obtain the best powertrain performance in the real vehicle duty cycle. Furthermore great attention will be placed on the certification and safety aspects, in particular for the FC system, taking also into account the certification issues at vehicle level.
MES will finally give support and advice for the right implementation of the hybrid FC/battery power supply into the vehicle powertrain and for its subsequent field test.


Roberto Bianchi
E-mail: r.bianchi@mes.ch
Telephone: +41 (0)91 641 5336
Fax: +41 (0)91 641 5096 / 0041 (0)91 641 5299
Web: www.mes.ch