MobyPost Partners
MobyPost's consortium has been carefully selected to ensure a multidisciplinary approach which is necessary to realise the objectives foreseen by the project. The partnership congregates a balanced group of competencies which comprehends the whole value chain to take into account for MobyPost system's conception and building.
The project is carried out by 9 partners coming from four different European countries (Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy). The composition of the consortium strikes a balance not only from a geographical perspective (North, Central and South-Europe), but also due to the know-how and expertise the partners contribute to the project.
Figure: Geographical coverage of the MobyPost consortium
The consortium consists of four categories of partners: (i) academia-research partners, (ii) industrial partners, (iii) technology transfer centre and (iv) demonstrator partners.
The role of each partner is clearly defined and the complementarities are evident:
- The academia-research partners are recognised players in their respective field of expertise:
- On the industrial/SME side, 2 SMEs and 2 large companies (MES and Ducati energia) are involved in the development of vehicles and infrastructure.
- Regarding technology transfer, two partners with long-lasting experience and long range networks are included in the consortium:
- Two partners are mainly responsible for demonstration, field test and training activities as well as raising awareness of the use of hydrogen-propelled vehicles:
The following diagram provides an overview of MobyPost consortium, showing the partners and their respective core competencies.
Figure: Complementarities of the consortium
Certification procedures and safety assurance will be conducted by qualified and renowned organisations which will closely work with project partners La Poste, DUCATI energia and MES to guarantee that the developed infrastructure and vehicle comply with the higher standards in terms of quality and safety.
*Map from